What To Know About Inpatient Addiction Treatment

There’s 4 levels of addiction treatment on the continuum of care. Most people who are trying to recover from addiction will experience residential addiction treatment or extended care facilities. Both of these are level 3 treatments and have distinct differences. Unbeknownst to some, people tend to use the terms, residential treatment and extended care interchangeably. But they have important differences. Below are the key distinct features and some important questions you need to consider when inquiring into different facilities. 

Residential Treatment

First, residential treatment centers (RTC’s) are your typical 30-90 day treatment programs. You can expect 24/7 supervision, a bed to sleep in, urinary analysis, and access to amenities like gym memberships. Additionally, most facilities provide medication assisted therapy. RTC’s also have a clinical component to teach you therapeutic skills. While clinical curriculums differ from program to program, they typically include DBT and CBT skills. Lastly, depending on the type of program you choose, they should accept insurance. 

When contacting residential facilities, you should consider the following:

  • What type of clinical therapy do they teach?
  • Do they accept your insurance?
  • How much is out of pocket treatment? 
  • Do you have the financial resources to continue if insurance cuts you off?
  • What amenities do they offer?
  • Do they offer medication assisted therapy?

*As a side note, most insurance companies are cover 14-21 days of RTC treatment.

Extended Care

Extended care facilities refer to treatment programs that go beyond the standard 30-90 day rehab centers. When you think of extended care, think of sober living or sober houses. Some facilities provide 24/7 supervision, urinary analysis, breathalyzer analysis, and various amenities. An important note is that sober livings aren’t covered by insurance. Since the cost of sober living facilities vary so greatly, make sure you know how much each program costs and what’s included. Importantly, the key difference between residential and extended care is the length of stay and the clinical therapy. 

Aside from asking about the cost, you should consider asking facilities: 

  • What’s their staff to client ratio?
  • Do they provide all living necessities like food, soap, towels, bed sheets?
  • What amenities do they have (e.g. gym membership)?
  • How many client’s live in the house?
  • Do they have anyone on staff to provide individual therapy?


If you or your loved one is looking for treatment, contact our team today to learn how we can help you.